More Oil, More Lamps

“When I was in college, a brother asked a question, ‘If there is a single oil lamp in a totally black room, how do we make the room brighter? Either we add more oil, or we add more lamps!’”

Urgency overcomes obstacles.

Every disciple of Jesus who is filled with the Holy Spirit will have a measure of urgency, but I believe this is one of the cries of wisdom in the street—it is time to prepare ourselves for the great and mighty day of the LORD. It is time to stop making excuses, overcome obstacles, and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ to this world.

When I was in college, a brother asked a question, “If there is a single oil lamp in a totally black room, how do we make the room brighter? Either we add more oil, or we add more lamps!”

This is our mission and goal; we grow in both likeness to Christ, by obeying the Father, and we share the Gospel to multiply the light! We teach those new lamps to also ”add oil” by teaching them to walk in the Holy Spirit.

“We don’t need to cross nations to share… we can share and disciple today—in our own backyard.”

So, who can we share with and when should we do it?

Everyone and now!

If you have a friend or co-worker or family member who is already following Jesus, read the Word together and hold each other accountable to putting it into practice. Add oil to the lamps around you by spurring each other on to obedience in Christ.

Share the Gospel with those who don’t follow Jesus, or who say they do but are being disobedient to Him. (Following Jesus is more about coming under His authority than it is about attaining more information.)

We don’t need to cross nations to share (although we can; I’m writing this in Armenia!), but we can share and disciple today—in our own backyard.

The LORD shall soon return; He’s longing for his stunning bride! He desires that we make disciples of all nations, and it starts in our own heart.

Urgency overcomes obstacles.


The Measure of Maturity